Terms & Conditions

The terms and conditions set under PlusUmi (hereinafter referred to as ‘+UMI’ or ‘We’ or Ús’ or Óur’) of Lot 11 Section 259 Adria Street Gerehu, 121 NCD provides you access to giveaway items, and governs your use of our website at plusumi.com. The +UMI membership platform provides the services, content and information throughout the site.

Being a member to the website, indicates your Agreement to these Terms and Conditions and constitute your binding acceptance, including any modification that +UMI makes from time to time.

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you may not use the website. At any time +UMI may make changes to the website. You must agree that you will be bound to any changes to the terms and conditions. You understand that +UMI may restrict or remove your use of the website for any reason or no reason with or without notice.

1.Privacy Policy

By engaging with our website, you present that you have read and consent to our Privacy Policy in addition to our terms and conditions. At any time, +UMI may revise the Privacy and Policy to be posted. If you do not agree to any point, you must withdraw from using the website.

2.The Services.

The website provides a platform that offers members rewards across Papua New Guinea. All members access their dashboard, manage their payments, and update their details as needed. +UMI reserves the right to add, change, modify, suspend or discontinue any portion of the Service, in its sole discretion, at any time. Your use of the website shall be subject to the terms and conditions, +UMI may impose limits on any portion of the Service or restrict your access to portions of or the entire website in its sole discretion without notice or liability.

3.Refunds, returns, and exchanges

Our products and services are covered with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Papua New Guinea Consumer Law.

In the event of a major failure, you have the following rights:

  • Terminate your service agreement with us; and
  • Refund of unused parts or compensation for reduction in their value.
  • If the product is seriously defective, you also have the right to choose a refund or replacement.

If the defect in the goods or services is not a material defect, you have the right to have the defect repaired within a reasonable time. If this is not done, you have the right to refund the goods and terminate the service contract. No refunds or amendments will be made due to change of mind, lack of understanding the goods or services properly.

4.Age group entry

In order to use certain parts of the Website and Services, you must register with the Website and create a user profile or account. Participation is strictly limited to those over the age of 18 and under the age of 70.

As part of the registration process, you may be asked to submit your name, address, email address and/or similar information and to select a password.

You agree that all information you provide to +UMI for purposes of creating an account (Registration Information) will be true, accurate, current, and complete and your failure to provide such information shall constitute a breach of these terms and conditions and may result in the immediate termination of your Account.

You shall (i) promptly update your Registration Information to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete; and (ii) maintain the confidentiality of your password.

In creating an Account, you shall not (a) select or use the email address or username of another person with the intent to impersonate that person, (b) use a name subject to the rights of any other person without authorization, (c) use an email address or username that is profane, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate or (d) allow any other party to use your Account and/or password except as set forth herein.

You may not share or transfer any Account. You may not share your password with anyone.

You may notify us of any known or suspected unauthorized use of your account or any known or suspected breach of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of your password, by email at plusumiadm@gmail. You understand and agree that you are responsible for all activities that occur under the account created for your use, even if such activities are not initiated by you. +UMI will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by your failure to maintain the confidentiality of your password.

+UMI employees, directors, managers and their respective immediate family members (parents, spouses, partners, siblings, children) or other persons living in the same household as +UMI, employees, directors, managers; are not eligible to win the giveaways offered.

To claim a price, all our participating winners will provide a valid ID according to their user profile or account.

5.Termination of Account.

You understand and agree that you have no ownership rights in your Account and +UMI may stop offering the Service at any time. Further, +UMI may cancel your Account, delete all of your Registration Information and any other information you have provided through the Site (collectively, User Content) associated with your Account at any time, without notice, for any reason or no reason including, without limitation, your violation of these terms and conditions.  will not be liable for any damages or loss resulting from the removal of any User Content from the Site and/or the Service.

To cancel your account, simply contact plusumiadm@gmail.com and request cancellation. Once the request has been made, a specific cancellation link will be sent to you within 24 hours. You will need to click on this link and follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

You understand and agree that you have no ownership rights in your Account and that +UMI may discontinue providing the Services at any time.

Additionally, +UMI may terminate your account and delete all registration information and other information you provide through the website (collectively, User Content) at any time,  without notice , for any reason or no reason including, without limitation, your violation of these terms and conditions, willl not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the removal of your User Content from the Website and/or Services.

To cancel your account, simply contact plusumiadm@gmail.com to request cancellation.

Once your request is made, you will receive a specific cancellation link within 24 hours.

You must click on this link and follow the instructions to complete the cancellation process. 

6.Use of Website and Service.

You agree that you will not, in connection with your use of the Website, or Service, violate any applicable law or regulation. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree not to (i) make available through the website any material or information that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party (including rights of privacy or publicity); (ii) institute, assist, or become involved in any type of attack including, without limitation, denial of service attacks, upon the Website and/or the Service or otherwise attempt to disrupt the Website and/or the Service or any other person’s use of the Website and/or the Service; or (iii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, Service, Accounts registered to other users, or the computer systems or networks connected to the Website and/or the Service.

Furthermore, you may not use the Website to develop, generate, transmit or store information that: (a) is defamatory, harmful, abusive, obscene or hateful; (b) in any way obstructs or otherwise interferes with the normal performance of another person’s use of the Website and/or the Service, (c) performs any unsolicited commercial communication not permitted by applicable law; (d) constitutes harassment or a violation of privacy or threatens other people or groups of people; (e) is harmful to children in any manner; (f) violates any applicable law, regulation or ordinance; (g) makes any false, misleading or deceptive statement or representation regarding +UMI and/or the Website or Service or (h) constitutes phishing, pharming or impersonates any other person, or steals or assumes any person’s identity (whether a real identity or online nickname or alias).

You agree that you will not (i) obtain or attempt to obtain any information from the Site including, without limitation, email information of other Account holders or other Software data; (ii) intercept, examine or otherwise observe any proprietary communications protocol used by the Site or Software, whether through the use of a network analyzer, packet sniffer or other device; (iii) use any type of bot, spider, virus, clock, timer, counter, worm, software lock, drop dead device, Trojan-horse routing, trap door, time bomb or any other codes, instructions or third-party software that is designed to provide a means of surreptitious or unauthorized access to, or distort, delete, damage or disassemble the Site or Software.

All comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions that you disclose, submit or offer to us in connection with your use of the Site or Service, such as your suggestions regarding improvements that we make to the Site or Service (collectively, Comments) will become our exclusive property. Such disclosure, submission or offer of any Comments shall constitute an assignment to us of all worldwide right, title and interest in all patent, copyright, trademark, and all other intellectual property and other rights whatsoever in and to the Comments and a waiver of any claim based on moral rights, unfair competition, breach of implied contract, breach of confidentiality, and any other legal theory relating to submissions. Thus, we will own exclusively all such right, title and interest and shall not be limited in any way in the use, commercial or otherwise, of any Comments. You should not submit any Comments to us if you do not wish to assign such rights to us. We are and will be under no obligation: (i) to maintain any Comments in confidence; (ii) to pay to you or any third party any compensation for any Comments; or (iii) to respond to any Comments. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Comments you make. By posting Comments or any other content, you warrant and represent that you own the rights to such or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute such Comments and content and grant us the right to do the same. You hereby irrevocably waive any claims based on moral rights and similar theories, if any.

Your User Content, and the contents of all of your Comments and other online communications (including without limitation chat text, voice communications, IP addresses and your personal information) may be accessed and monitored as necessary to provide the Service and may be disclosed: (i) when we have a good faith belief that we are required to disclose the information in response to legal process (for example, a court order, search warrant or subpoena); (ii) to satisfy any applicable laws or regulations (iii) where we believe that the Website or Service is being used in the commission of a crime, including to report such criminal activity or to exchange information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit card theft reduction; (iv) when we have a good faith belief that there is an emergency that poses a threat to the health and/or safety of you, another person or the public generally; and (v) in order to protect the rights or property of +UMI, including to enforce these terms and conditions. By entering into these terms and conditions, you hereby provide your irrevocable consent to such monitoring, access and disclosure.

When accessing the Website, you agree to obey the law and to respect the intellectual property rights of others. Your use of the Website is at all times governed by and subject to laws regarding copyright ownership and use of intellectual property. You agree not to upload, download, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute any information or content in violation of any third party’s copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights.

You shall be solely responsible for any violations of any relevant laws and for any infringements of third-party rights caused by any content you provide or transmit, or that is provided or transmitted using your account. The burden of proving that any content does not violate any laws or third-party rights rests solely with you.

The Website and the Service are operated by +UMI in Papua New Guinea. Those who choose to access the Website, and/or the Service from locations outside of Papua New Guinea are restricted to Geo-Blocking.

7.+UMI Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Infringement.

The interfaces, content, arrangement and layout of the Website including, but not limited to, the +UMI trademark and logo, designs, text, artwork, graphics, images, buttons, user interfaces, information and other content, and any compilation of the foregoing (+UMI Intellectual Property) are the property of +UMI, except where otherwise noted, and are protected from copying, imitation, communication, or simulation under Papua New Guinea. and international laws and may not be reproduced, modified, communicated, displayed, distributed, or transmitted without the prior written permission of +UMI.

You understand and acknowledge that, by visiting the Website, you do not acquire or obtain by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use or make additional copies of any materials or information displayed on the Website. You agree not to display or use any +UMI Intellectual Property or third-party content located on the Website in any manner not expressly permitted under these terms and conditions.

8.Representation and Warranties of Members

The Participant represents and warrants that it shall not contact the any affiliate, employee, sponsor or partner of +UMI in order to manipulate the Contest results.

9.Giveaway Disclaimers

By becoming a member or Customer of +UMI the Participant agrees to enter the Contest and Agrees that:

Any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the Contest and the gifts shall be resolved individually with any form of class action;

Any claims judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out of pocket costs incurred in entering the Contest, but under no circumstances will +UMI be responsible for any legal fees;

Participants hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damage and any rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased and any other damages, other than damages for actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in entering the contest.

In no event will +UMI, their licensees, parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies, their advertising or promotional agencies or their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents, be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising from access to, or use of, this website, electronic or computer malfunctions, or entrant participation in this contest, even +UMI was advised of the possibility of such damages.

+UMI reserves the right to disqualify any Participant found to be tampering with or otherwise abusing any aspect of this Contest as solely determined by +UMI.

In the event the Contest is compromised by non-authorised human intervention, tampering or other causes beyond the reasonable control of +UMI, that corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper operation of the Contest, +UMI reserves the right to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest.

Any attempt by a Participant to deliberately damage the Website to undermine the legitimate operation of this contest is a violation of criminal and civil laws, and should such an attempt be made, +UMI reserves the right to seek damages from any such Participant to the fullest extent permitted by Law.

+UMI assumes no responsibility for any problems or technical malfunction of computer systems, servers, software, internet service provider, or e-mail systems, failure of any entry to be received on account of technical problems or incomplete, late, lost, damaged, illegible or misdirected electronic communications, or any combination thereof.

The Contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law. The administration, security, fairness or proper operation of the Contest, +UMI reserves the right to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest.